I18n Error: Missing interpolation value "imagealt" for "將圖像加載到畫廊查看器中,{{ imagealt }}"
I18n Error: Missing interpolation value "imagealt" for "將圖像加載到畫廊查看器中,{{ imagealt }}"

Sku: SLAQ0114

無線遙控開關 D1(雙鍵版)WXKG06LM【香港行貨】

品牌 Aqara
正常價格 $158.00
Sale price $158.00 正常價格 $268.00
On sale 售罄
Aqara 首款也是最先進的牆壁開關,支持圓形和方形壁掛盒。 提供單搖桿和雙搖桿以及帶和不帶空檔。


產品型號 :單鍵:WXKG06LM | 雙鍵:WXKG07LM(CN Package)
產品尺寸 :86 × 86 × 15.2mm控制方式 :單擊、雙擊、長按
電池壽命 :2 年
工作溫度 :-5℃~+50℃
工作濕度 :0~95% RH,無冷凝
·兼容Zigbee 3.0, 連接穏定範圍更廣。 ·可排程工作,預設/限時功能。 ·長逹5年的電池續航力。
·支援高速單/雙點擊 或 長按控制,一按即開低時極延。 ·支援雙向開關,可配合Wall Switch H1 EU使用。 ·安裝靈活,任何平面/牆身都可安裝




·支援Apple HomeKit
·本產品需搭配Aqara Hub 使用,可遠程控制及設定更多不同情景模式






此產品為 香港行貨,但包裝為簡體字,如客人介意包裝問題, 請勿購買。如購買即代表已接受此情況。謝謝理解。注意,由於Aqara的產品當中涉及



This product is licensed in Hong Kong, but the packaging is in simplified characters. If you mind the packaging, please do not buy. By purchasing, you have accepted this situation. Thank you for understanding.


Because Aqara's products involve too many technical issues, if customers do not know how to use or have any questions about product operation, please contact customer service for answers.
If the customer service determines that the product is a functional problem, our company will accept the return. There is no seven-day return/refund for all Aqara products. Customers must first contact customer service for details. If you have any questions/unclear etc. about the product, please contact us before purchasing.

Thank you for understanding


